The Future

Civil Disobedience
Prepare for most acts of civil disobedience to be swiftly outlawed. Sit-ins, peaceful protests, strikes. Those in charge do not like working class people. Our only true power is solidarity. This GOES TO THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS AS WELL. You too are “working class”. You do not sit home and look at money making you money. You do something for a living. They don’t like you just as much as they don’t like the people cleaning their toilets. Gum up the system. They will bend.
Disobey Their Rules, Just Like They Do.

Vote & Run For Office
Trust me. No one in charge of any government proceeding is smarter than you, nor are they more intelligent. Yes, republicans will do every underhanded, dirty thing they can to undermine anyone running against them, but does it matter? Their ideas are archaic, their motivations, 100% selfish. Push back. Run against them. Stand up. Most importantly. Laugh at them when they go over the top. Nothing drives them crazier than being made to feel as though they are unimportant.